I've been working on my new website for some while. It's almost in its final stages, and I just need to add photos to the rest of the galleries and we should be good to go!
If you have any comments or suggestions for the new site, let me know!
Been shooting just a little bit with my new D700, but I'm really loving it. It surely is at least a five-year body. Not much can be improved from this baby.
School work's been piling up, so I'm sorry that I haven't been posting frequently. I will try and be better about it. At least 2-3 posts per week. WITH PICTURES!
In other news, I booked my next wedding today. Scheduled for Sept 26, 2009 in Champaign, IL. Thanks to Kirstin Phelps for the referral!
Here they are: Alix and Byron
ISO 6400 f/2 1/80
I think the direction of this blog will also shift just a bit. Instead of just technical photo jargon, I will also use it as a typical blog for my personal use. More on that later.